Mobile/Whatsapp: 9086 5923
No. H1: 頌缽, 音叉及丁夏聲頻治療
60分鐘 HK$650
頌缽及音叉聲頻治療適用症狀如失眠、緊張、焦慮、抑鬱、壓力和疲勞等問題、驅走體內負能量及負面情緒,淨化氣場, 達到身心健康的效果。
* 加送前胸線療程,前胸線部位是主宰人體的整個免疫系統,音叉療程加做前胸線振頻,增強免疫力,同時又可抗感染和抗病功能
* 加送人體七脈輪健康測驗
* 香港家居加送白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木煙燻療法
No. 1: 頌缽, 音叉, 丁夏及風鑼聲頻治療60分鐘 HK$500
- 加送前胸線療程,前胸線部位是主宰人體的整個免疫系統,音叉療程加做前胸線振頻,增強免疫力,同時又可抗感染和抗病功能
- 加送人體七脈輪健康測驗
- 加送白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木抗疫煙燻療法
No. 2 : 頌缽, 音叉, 丁夏, 風鑼. 聲頻椅子及人體七脈輪色彩聲頻治療
90分鐘 HK$650
人體七脈輪色彩療法, AK將水晶放置在你的七個脈輪上及利用水晶音叉將你的體內負能量驅走,平衡脈輪,淨化氣埸.
AK獨有的聲頻椅子按摩療法,舒緩人體背部, 腰部,頭部等痛症, 讓繃緊肌肉完全釋放痛楚.
- 加送前胸線療程,前胸線部位是主宰人體的整個免疫系統,音叉療程加做前胸線振頻,增強免疫力,同時又可抗感染和抗病功能
- 加送人體七脈輪健康測驗
- 加送白鼠尾草或秘魯聖木抗疫煙燻療法
Maggie, US
FANTASIC SINGING BOOWL & TUNING FORK SOUND THERAPY - "I have tried his unique Singing Bowl and Tuning Fork Sound Therapy. Akiss told me that this therapy is great for people who are particularly stressed or worried. His treatment took me to a level of relaxation and I felt asleep during the session. I would highly recommend Akiss, not only does he has a good reputation, he is very polite, professional with wide depth on massage and sound therapy knowledge!"
Nancy, Norway
A REAL DEAL - "Awesome Singing Bowl & Tuning Fork Sound Therapy. Great Experinece. Akiss is very attentive, great skills and accmmodated my needs. He is a real deal and delivered a 5 Star sound massage for me !"
What My Local & Overseas Customers Say......
James, Hong Kong
GREAT EXPERIENCE - "I recently had singing bowl and tuning fork sound therapy with AK. It was an experience like no other I have had before.It was interesting to learn a bit about the sound therapy. I felt completely calm and relaxed the entire time from the moment I walked into his place. I left feeling very relaxed and positive. Since then, I have slept well each night which was something I had been having difficulty which for some time before I went to AK. If you're looking for a unique and professional sound massage experience, this is the place to go!"
Milton Wong, Hong Kong
"AK的摩聲頻療程,超乎我想像, 首次登入AK網站,叫人眼前一亮,而且資料十分詳细,看他有聲頻治療服務、還有頌缽、音叉、風鑼等療程,亳無疑問,我立即預約他。疫情已接近兩年多,相信我的體內已積聚不小負能量及不安情緒、經常緊張、焦慮及有點抑鬱症狀。經過他這個聲频療癒及引導,我的心情大為放鬆,最重要是療程令我的心態變得平靜安隱、不再恐懼,他說聲頻療癒已為我的心輪(Heart Chakra)打開,和諧暢通,不再迷失,我整個人猶如放下心頭大石,重拾信心。我極力推薦AK,最好自己去試試,Thanks AK"。
"Akis offers sound therapy which I never heard it before in Australia. He performs a combination of sound instuments including singing bowls, tuning forks ans tingsha bells to run the session to help relax and soothe. Although a call-out service is available, it's also really interesting to visit. Akis rooms and experience the "real Hong Kog" This is a sincere therapy by a well-trained sound massage professional. I highly recommend Akis for an experience that relax and restore well-being."
Michael, Spain
"AK came to my hotel room for Sound Therapy for 60 minutes. AK has brough along his sound instruments. I felt somethings coming out from my body during the session and AK told me that it was my negative energy inside my body. The sound treatment was wonderful, relaxed and rejuvenated and I had a very deeper sleep at the hotel. AK is professional, polite and a friendly man. I highly recommend for those people who has never had sound therapy which must try this unique sound therapy, you will never regret."
Bonnie, Thailand
" Awesome Singing Bowl Sound Massage
I have read one of AK's customer reviews saying that "AK should be a must-see attraction in the city", so I made up my mind to give him a try during my stay in Hong Kong. I have selected his Singing Bowl Vibration Therapy. It was a great experience to me, and the sound therapy made me filled with new energy. He put 3 bowls around my body and it calmed my mind and my body pain has gone as well. AK is very professional, friendly guy and always gives you a positive energy. Highly recommend. Thank you, AK!
Werner, US
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